Tuesday, August 21, 2007

6 Thoughts That quick weight loss

6 Thoughts That quick weight loss

Transform your negative thoughts, and think yourself
quick weight loss in just 6 steps!

You know those suggestive little voices that whisper in your ear... and suddenly you're knee-deep in ice cream? Change the sabotaging, discipline-destroying thoughts, and you can
quick weight loss
I ordered the grilled cheese, so why not get the fries, too?

One treat at a time. I'm indulging in grilled cheese, so I'll trade the fries for a salad.

Here's How: "The thought pattern is, I've already blown it for today, so I might as well keep going," says Janet Polivy, PhD, a psychology professor at the University of Toronto. She calls it the "what the hell" effect and says it causes people to devour so much food that they feel they'll never get back on track. To prevent this scenario from playing over and over, Polivy says, you have to redefine your idea of
healthy eating. Allow yourself the occasional treat, as long as it's accompanied by smarter food choices like fresh fruit and vegetables. At roughly 500 calories, one melted cheddar on rye a week should hardly make you fat. Habitually tacking on a large order of fries, however, might.

I'll just have this one cookie.

If I can't stop at one or two cookies, I shouldn't have any at all.

Here's How: We stand by the above tip that it's okay to eat your favorite
foods, provided you're the type who can stop after a small amount. "One cookie could turn into 1,000 calories or more if you proceed to eat the whole bag," warns Stephen Gullo, PhD, president of the Institute for Health and quick weight loss Sciences. He suggests that you take a step back and honestly assess how you've reacted to your favorite foods in the past. You may discover that chocolate chip cookies trigger uncontrollable cravings but one square of dark chocolate appeases your sweet tooth quite nicely.

My husband says I look fat, so I guess I should start exercising.

I want to get in shape for myself, not for him.

Here's How: Whether or not you need to shed a few pounds, acting in response to someone else's hurtful remarks will breed self-doubt and lower your self-esteem, says Marlene Schwartz, PhD, co-director of the Yale Center for Eating and Weight Disorders in New Haven, Connecticut. To reset your quick weight loss goals so they revolve solely around you, sit down and figure out how you could benefit from changing your lifestyle. (Writing your thoughts out on paper might help.) If you identify areas that need improvement, talk to your spouse about how he can play a part: Plan low-fat weekly menus together in lieu of eating out, or take walks after dinner instead of watching TV. Alternatively, if you're exercising, eating right, and feeling pretty healthy the way you are, Schwartz says, "tell him that this is his problem, not yours."

What's the point of losing weight during the winter? I'll get in shape come summer.

By eating more now, I'm creating a lot of extra work for myself when spring rolls around.

Here's How: A study by scientists at the National Institutes of Health tracked 195 people through the holidays and found an average
weight gain of about a pound.

By the following year, most had gained another half pound, and the researchers predicted that the trend would only continue. To prevent this outward creep, Gullo says, keep thoughts of summer in your house all year long by hanging a bikini or skimpy sundress on the back of the bathroom door, and visualize yourself wearing it every time you head for the leftovers. He also proposes committing to a regular exercise program in the fall, "before the winter blahs set in," because lugging last night's comfort food through an hour-long spinning class isn't so comfortable.

Fat runs in my family, so why bother exercising?

I can't change my DNA, but I can change my fate.

Here's How: "Genetics helps determine your natural weight range, but you have some control over where you fall within that range," says Edward Abramson, PhD, an expert on obesity, dieting, and weight disorders and the author of Body Intelligence. Rather than aiming for a size 2, aim for health: If being overweight is a family trait, diabetes, heart disease, and other obesity-related illnesses could be, too, Schwartz says. Walk to the grocery store, choose the stairs over the escalator, and take good care of the body you were born with. "It's important to distinguish between body size and body health," she says. "Research shows that people who are overweight and physically fit can live longer than people who are ideal quick weight loss and not physically fit."

After that grueling workout, I deserve a bacon double cheeseburger.

After busting my butt at the gym, my body deserves the VIP treatment.

Here's How: "Most people overestimate the number of calories they've burned," says Brian Wansink, PhD, a professor of marketing, applied economics, and nutritional science at Cornell University and author of Marketing Nutrition. To burn off a bacon double cheeseburger, the average 140-pound woman has to jog at a rate of five miles per hour for more than 60 minutes. Recast your concept of reward: Instead of seeking food, take a luxurious bubble bath, rent a guilty-pleasure movie, buy a new pair of shoes, or lose yourself in a good novel.

I'll grab a candy bar to get me through my mid afternoon slump.

When my energy flags, I need food that will help me go the distance.

Here's How: Candy and other sweets have little nutritional value, and they destabilize blood sugar, causing you to have more cravings later on, Gullo says. To head off a snack attack, he suggests, "reprogram yourself to seek out a mini-meal 30 minutes before you usually hit a slump." By eating before you're famished, you should be able to resist the sweet stuff and choose foods with enough protein, fat, and complex carbs to keep you sated and energized until dinner. Some of Gullo's top picks: bran crackers with low-fat cheese, a hard-boiled egg, or a cup of low-fat yogurt. quick weight loss

Monday, August 20, 2007

Water Benefits

Water Benefits
Warm lemon water serves as the perfect good morning drink, as it aids the digestive system and makes the process of eliminating the waste products from the body easier. It prevents the problem of constipation and diarrhea from taking place, by ensuring smooth bowel functions. Read further to explore information about hot lemon water benefits…Lemon is a vitamin C rich citrus fruit that enhances your beauty, by rejuvenating skin from within and thus bringing a glow on your face. One of the major health benefits of drinking lemon water is that it paves way for losing weight faster, thus acting as a great weight loss remedy. Lemon water flushes out body toxins and thus is extremely beneficial for the body.Lemon, a fruit popular for its therapeutic properties, helps promote your immune system and thus, protects you from the clutches of most types of infections. It also plays the role of blood purifier. Lemon is a fabulous antiseptic bestowed on us by Mother Nature. Limewater juice works wonders for people having heart problem, owing to its high potassium content. So, make it a part of your daily routine to drink a glass of warm lemon water in the morning and then open your gateway to enjoy its health benefits.
Water, a precious gift bestowed on us by Mother Nature, forms a major part of our body constitution. In fact, 2/3 of our body weight is water. The very composition of our body is like that blood is 83% water, muscles are 75% water, brain is 74% water and bone is 22% water. Water is necessary for the very survival of human beings, as it ensures the smooth functioning of body systems.Lack of water in the body tends to give rise to dehydration, thereby posing hurdles for the blood to circulate. The gravity of problem increases, as it causes the brain to become less active and your body feels tired and fatigued. Water keeps the digestive system in order and flushes out the waste products from your body. Well, the reservoir encompassing the advantages of drinking water is very large, so, read further to explore other health benefits of drinking water…Water acts as a natural remedy to head your way towards achieving beautiful rich glowing skin. Drinking water skin benefits can be attributed to the fact that water acts as a body purifier, by removing toxins and waste from your body. People who are fed up with their overweight problem, for them hot lemon water works wonders in fastening their weight loss program. It also keeps your heart healthy. So, drink lots of water throughout the day, to promote your mind body fitness
How Much Water to Drink Per Day
There is no clear-cut answer as to how much water to drink per day, because it depends upon a number of factors like your health condition, your activity status etc. On an average daily basis, we tend to lose quite a lot of water through sweating, exhaling and urinating. It is here that it becomes necessary to consume more water, so as to make up for the loss. Read further to explore information about recommended daily water intake…It is not wise to drink water only to quench your thirst, but it should become your habit to drink water at frequent intervals throughout the day. Your food contributes about 20% to your total water intake and apart from that, it is advisable to consume about 8 ounce glasses of water every day.Your water intake also depends on the place where you are living and the climatic conditions over there. In hot humid weather, there arises a need to consume extra quantities of water, because there is a major loss of water through sweating that puts you at a risk of getting dehydrated. In cold season or at higher altitudes, you tend to urine more often, thus leading to a greater amount of fluid loss in the body.Health conditions also determine your water intake. In case you are suffering from health problems like fever, vomiting and diarrhea, then it leads to excessive body fluid loss. Pregnant women also need to drink more water, as they are at a higher risk of getting dehydrated. So, drink loads of water throughout the day to keep fit and healthy.

Nutrition During Pregnancy

Nutrition During Pregnancy
There is a need for proper nutrition during pregnancy, as the mother's nutritional status will affect the development of the baby. It is during the time of pregnancy, when various changes take place in the expectant mother's body, which are not just anatomical, but also physiological in nature. It is a very crucial time and it becomes all the more necessary for the mother to take care of herself and there arises a need for consuming healthy pregnancy nutrition. Read further to explore information about nutrition during pregnancy…Some of the changes that take place in the expectant mother and demand the need to make nutritional adjustments are:
Fat And Energy: it is during the time of pregnancy, when fat deposits take place in the mother's body and it is this fats storage that is later utilized by the body, during lactation, for the formation of milk. Owing to this fact, the calorie requirement generally increases by 300 calories. But it also depends from person to person. An underweight mother needs to consume more calories than an overweight mother. Well, it is preferable to consult your doctor, as far as your calorie intake is concerned.
Protein: protein is the most vital nutrient required by the body. It happens during the early and mid pregnancy stages, that protein starts getting stored in the body. And it is during the later stages of pregnancy, when the foetus is rapidly developing, that the body utilizes its protein reserves.
Minerals: as far as the minerals are concerned, it is the calcium and phosphorus that occupy a supreme position. Calcium is vital for healthy bone and teeth formation and it is during pregnancy that the calcium needs are especially high for the healthy bone formation of the foetus.
Iron: during pregnancy, the need for iron intake increases, as this mineral is essential for the body's development.
Vitamin A: vitamin A is essential for carrying out several bodily functions. It helps in improving vision and maintaining the nervous equilibrium. Well, as far as the intake of vitamin A is concerned, there is a need to ensure that you've had your recommended daily vitamin intake.

without a Diet Get a Healthy Beach Body

without a Diet Get a Healthy Beach Body
Drink plenty of water. Don’t succumb to that dehydrated, scorched appearance that can result from a lack of pure liquid. Water is essential to keeping the skin supple, full and smooth. Drink your way to healthy skin and ward off the wrinkles!
2. The all new Slim Bomb Weight Loss Pill is specially formulated to get mind boggling results for a figure ready to hit the beach…without harsh dieting. Based on 6 years of painstaking research, it is like no other weight loss pill in the world. Losing weight is effortless with this fat burning, appetite suppressing, metabolism-boosting pill. To shed the pounds, get the BOMB!
3. Add an accessory to finish off your look. A chic handbag, a fashionable hat, or some dazzling shades will compliment your healthy diet plan. It’s such a simple way to add some zing to your step.
4. Plaits can give you that beach babe look in a Flash. They maybe too youthful for the office, but plaits can offer a fresh Image for the beach. Part your hair down the middle and plat each side to add an energetic twist to life. Or go exotic and put your hair in lots of tiny plats…Looking hot!
5. Don’t let cellulite stop you from feeling ultra fabulous. Cellulite Doctor Anti Cellulite Cream contains Caffeine and Fucus Vesiculosis, which will help to visibly reduce the appearance of 'orange peel' on the thighs, bottom and arms, leaving skin looking smoother and firmer. Regular use can prevent future formation.
6. Speaking of tan…try Fake Bake Self Tanning Lotion. Surely one of the best on the market, this easy to apply, sensually smelling potion will give you that brown tan without the harmful effect of the sun. Fake Bake’s unique blend of exotic oils and all natural ingredients are a part of any quality beach bound healthy diet plan…gloves included. You’ll be brown as a berry!
7. After a winter of boots, get your feet out and paint those toenails a bright, summery colour. Be bold! Be daring! A vibrant yellow, a florescent orange, or a hot pink will accentuate your tan straight away!

8. Wrap yourself slim in just one hour! Try Slimming Solution’s Inch Loss Body Wrap Kit. Body wrapping has been allegedly used by Posh Spice to get her trim figure back after giving birth. Measurable inch loss can be achieved after just one hour by wrapping thighs, hips, buttocks, middle, chest and/ or arms with this easy to use gel. Packed with active ingredients to revitalise and tone, this kit includes a tape measure!
9. Choose a
swimming costume that is flattering for your shape. If you have a big bust, go for a bikini top with cups or inner support. For a little extra in the tummy area, opt for a tankini. For hip and bum concern, sporty but feminine shorts can look hot. Pastel colours suit paler skins whereas bright colours look great on tanned or dark skin. Having the right swimsuit is the key to creating a stir at the beach.
10. Pamper your hair and strut your stuff at the same time! Leave in conditioner is a great way to keep your locks lovely while at the beach. Tigi Health Goddess will give your hair a boost of Vitamins A, B5, C and E, while hydrating and protecting. You’ll be grateful in the evening when your hair is feeling silky and lustrous.

Exercises For Firming Chest

Exercises For Firming Chest
In the contemporary times, people are becoming very conscious about looking good and in fact each one of us crave for a body that attracts attention. Some people are blessed with beautiful bodies, but for those who have some physical flaws, there arises a need to work on their figure problems, so as to get in shape. For people who crave for lean upper body, there are some wonderful stretching exercises for chest that not only help in toning, but also work a great deal in making the upper body appear thinner. Here are some exercises for firming chest:
Push-ups: push-ups are one of the most effective chest strengthening exercises that fall into the category of anaerobic exercise workout. The best part about push-ups is that you can do them at home and also it doesn't demand the need to buy any special equipment for performing the workout. Lie face down on the floor. Keep both your palms on the ground, next to your shoulders. Lift your body, i.e. your shoulder, your chest, your torso and hips 3-4 inches above ground level in a straight line. Your wrist should form 90 degrees on the ground. Now, with the help of your hands, bend your elbows and straighten them. Keep repeating this 5-6 times. Make sure your body (i.e. your shoulder, your chest, your torso and hips) remain straight. Firming Chest
Bench press: lie down on the bench, keeping your back straight. Now lift

weights straight up and hold for a few seconds. Now bring the weights down.
Decline dumbbell press: in dumbbell press, you have to lie down on the bench, resting your upper body on the bottom of the bench slope. Now lift dumbbells and hold for a few seconds, before bringing them down.

Easy Fast Weight Loss Ideas

Easy Fast Weight Loss Ideas

In today's world, Weight Loss where everybody is getting conscious about looking good, it has become all the more necessary to keep oneself in shape. Well, if you have a good figure, not only it enables you to flaunt your body, but also it helps in boosting your confidence level. For some people, obesity becomes a serious cause of concern, thus affecting their mental fitness.There are several reasons why some people are overweight. It is interesting to know that your metabolism rate has a major impact on your weight loss program. People with low metabolism have a hard time in losing weight because owing to their slow metabolism, fat gets stored in their bodies. While, there are some persons, who suffer from the problem of hormonal imbalance. But one of the major causes of obesity in people is their unhealthy eating habits and inadequate exercising.If you are sick and tired of your flabby abs, then here are some easy fast weight loss ideas:
Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Drinking eight glasses of water is almost like a must. And do not forget to drink water in the morning, the moment you wake up. In fact this is one of the most rapid weight loss tips that the dieticians suggest to the people.
Have organic foods for the breakfast like apples, bananas, plain yogurt, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, raw honey, wild smoked salmon, and so on.
Keeping a track on the watch, go for an hour walk. It need not be power walking, but definitely it should be non-stop walk and that’s for sure, in a couple of days only, you’ll start finding the difference in you.
Another tip regarding how to lose weight fast, easy and safe is that you should have your dinner about 4-5 hours before going off to sleep. Weight Loss
The two-point program that will ensure the ultimate success is: regular exercise and balanced diet.
Don’t depend upon fat burning diet supplements. They wont go a long way in helping you sustain your reduced kilos.
Soft drinks cannot benefit you in any way. They contain 150 empty calories, so if you substitute one bottle of soft drink with water each day, it will do wonders for you. It will enable you to lose about 16 lbs per year.
Sometimes boredom becomes a cause of overeating, so keep yourself busy.
If you want to seriously control your weight, then you have to stop yourself from getting lured into trying tempting foods.
As important is to pay attention to the fact that we eat the right food, equally vital is to keep a watch on the quantity. Without altering your diet plan, even if you’ll reduce 5-10% of your consumption, it will prove beneficial.
Eat slowly so that you can get a feeling that you have had enough food and your tummy is full. Eat slowly and fully relish the taste.

After Weight Loss- Weight

After Weight Loss- Weight

So once you have reached those weight loss goals, what will your life be like? Once you have shed those final pounds, how will life change? It’s not as if you will be a different person, but you might notice a few changes in your world. Here are a few ways that we, at Slimming Solutions have noticed that people who have lost weight have changed.

1. The girls have noticed. Let’s face it; women are not only concerned with how they look for the men. Girls want to look good in front of the other girls as well.
• You show up at the restaurant, and all your mates immediately notice that you look extra fabulous in that new dress.
• The girls point you out as an example of pure sexiness.
• When you get to the bar, Weight Lossyour friend asks you which hot man you want to flirt with tonight. You have choice girl!
2. . Not only will you be looking and feeling amazing, your body is shouting with delight about your recent weight loss.
• More energy, get up and go, and oomph!
• Lower cholesterol levels
• Improved mobility (for lots of new experiences)
• Reduced blood pressure
• Better breathing…
• Reduced aches and pains
• More restful sleep (or lack of)
• Prevention of future illnesses and diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

3. When you lose weight, you feel better about yourself.
• You have more confidence in the world, when you walk in a room you will know you are looking good. Those old moments of insecurity about the way you look are gone.
• Now at your optimum weight, you feel healthier and more comfortable in your body.
• You have increased energy and bring more vibrancy to bring to the world.
• With your weight loss, you feel sexier and therefore wear more flattering, daring clothes. Get dressed is not just another chore…it is an enjoyable activity.
• You feel more motivated to do things, to achieve your goals and to have fun. Your new found confidence means more mental space to do the things you want to do without the worry and fear.

4 You notice that HE has noticed.
• You catch him gazing at you while you are in the shower. Without letting him know, you create a little show. Work it. Getting clean has never been so much fun.
• He’s suddenly wanting SOME all of the time! And with your improved breathing patterns and increased physical abilities, this just got a lot more interesting. Weight Loss.
• He buys you some nice new underwear, just for the heck of it. Who needs flowers when there are so many pretty knickers out in the world?
• He whisks you away on a holiday. It turns into not only a site seeing holiday...It is a bit of a naughty adventure for two. This alone is worth all the time and energy the weight loss took. Time away with your man who finds you oh so sexy…it doesn’t get any better!